Bachelor Of Science Courses
BSc.Computer Science : Many who pursue a career in Computer Science choose to obtain a B.Sc
Computer Science. The growing fields of computer programming, software
design,computer system design,computer graphics and networking make a
Bsc Computer science a valuable degree Read more>>
BSc.Electronics And Communication : Electronics and Communication Systems is an introductory course in
communication electronics for students with a background in basic
electronics. The program provide students with the current,
state-of-the-art electronics techniques used in all modern forms of
electronic communications, including radio, television, telephones,cell
phones, LAN systems, digital transmission. and microwave communications.
The electronics Read more>>
BSc.Catering Science and Hotel Management : This Course aims to familiarize participants with
commercial catering practices and industry standards to complement and
enhance existing cooking/catering skills. Hotel Management courses offer
feasible career opportunities to the youth today. Thus, hotel
management is very popular as a career course. Hotel industry is a
closely related one to the tourism industry. Read more>>
BSc. Costume Design and Fashion : The Fashion Design program is developed in six academic semesters.
The students, guided by valid professionals, learn to make their way in
the fashion industry both from the design and form the market point of
view, developing the special capabilities typical of the great fashion
designers Read more>>
BSc. Maths
BSc. Maths with Computer Application
BSc. Biotechnology
BSc. Micro Biology
BSc. Computer Technology
BSc. Information Technology
B.C.A(Computer Application)
BSc. Micro Biology with Nano Technology
BSc. Chemistry
BSc. Zoology
BSc. Physics
BSc. Biology
BSc. Geology
BSc. Forestry
BSc. Fishery
BSc. Geology
BSc. Marine Biology
BSc. Oceanology
BSc. Environmental Sciences
BSc. Oceanography and Coastal area studies
BSc. Applied Chemistry
BSc. Environmental Chemistry
BSc. Software Engineering
BSc. Genetics
BSc. Bio Chemistry
BSc. Genetics and Molecular Biology
BSc. Material Science
BSc. Bio-Informatics
BSc. Agricultural Bio-Technology
BSc. Chemical and Electrochemical
BSc. Food science and Nutrition
BSc. Horticulture
BSC. Fisheries Science
BSc. Polymer Science
BSc. Chemistry with polymer specialization
BSc. Textile Chemistry
BSc. Geology
BSc. Forestry
BSc. Fishery
BSc. Geology
BSc. Marine Biology
BSc. Oceanology
BSc. Environmental Sciences
BSc. Oceanography and Coastal area studies
BSc. Applied Chemistry
BSc. Environmental Chemistry
BSc. Software Engineering
BSc. Genetics
BSc. Bio Chemistry
BSc. Genetics and Molecular Biology
BSc. Material Science
BSc. Bio-Informatics
BSc. Agricultural Bio-Technology
BSc. Chemical and Electrochemical
BSc. Food science and Nutrition
BSc. Horticulture
BSC. Fisheries Science
BSc. Polymer Science
BSc. Chemistry with polymer specialization
BSc. Textile Chemistry
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